Message from your Chairman



The latest guidance from RYA Scotland, issued two days ago, is that we should be moving to “level 0” as of 19th July, which will effectively allow for outdoor gatherings of up to 500 people, with the relaxation of social distancing guidelines for outdoor events. While there is clearly no guarantee that the above change to level 0 will be made, we as a committee are ever hopeful that West Highland Yachting Week will be able to go ahead.


This weeks update therefore  is just to assure you all that from a planning point of view, we aim to go ahead with West Highland Yachting Week, and all due preparation is being made. That will remain the case unless there is a dramatic change to the contrary, at which point we would, of course, let you all know as soon as possible. There will be restrictions of one sort or another, and all competitors will be expected to play their part in adhering to those guidelines in place at the time. We will endeavour to keep you fully informed.


In the meantime, please get your entries in, get your boats ready, and we will look forward to seeing you on the water!


Gavin Marshall

Chairman West Highland Yachting Week.

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