Notice of Race WHYW 2019 Launched


As we enter 2019 we are delighted to announce the plans for West Highland Yachting Week 2019 and have posted the Notice of Race with an added price advantage to those boats that commit early.

2019 will make the 72nd year the event has been running and plans to be a wonderful week both on the water and ashore. As before the week starts at Croabh Haven and moves north to Oban where it sees another year with of the Firth of Lorn races on the Tuesday and then heads out to the west to Tobermory before returning to Oban.

We are delighted that Johnnie Readman has volunteered to lead the Race Team as the Principle Race Officer  and as a long term participant and experienced sailor he promises us all a hectic, competitive but above all fun and enjoyable week on the water.

In a slight change there will be two midweek prize givings each with more social events the first  will take place at Dunstaffanage on the Tuesday and the second will see the return of a Tobermory prize giving and dance on the Thursday Evening –  leaving the final prize giving to be on Friday Afternoon at Oban Sailing Club before the fleet disperses.