Update from the Chairman

Dear all,


Well …… we are getting excitingly close! I am delighted to update you with the news from our Covid Officer – yes, we have one. Indeed to be sure, we have two – that we should be all clear to go ahead with West Highland Yachting Week. This information not only accords with the latest update from our First Minister, but we also have the approval of RYA Scotland. So if you are still in doubt, please do not be, and get your entry in.

There is now only a little under a week to get your entry in – please bear in mind that entries close on Friday – 23rd July.

So, with this current glorious spell of weather, what more could you ask for than the thought of taking part in what promises to be a great event. A little different, perhaps, with no “formal” social activities planned, but that should not detract from the joy of meeting old friends, and some good inter bubble banter!

I may have said it before, but I am looking forward to seeing you all there.



Chairman – West Highland Yachting Week.

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