Amendment 1 repost

Apologies, it has come to my attention that the last line of the first amendment was missing. Please find below the complete version









S1 7.1 is replaced by

SI  7.1.2




CYCA Handicap Over

CYCA Handicap

Up to

Race Flag


1 Spinnaker


10.00 minutes

Pennant 1


2 Restricted Sail


14.25 minutes

Pennant 2


3 Spinnaker

10.01 minutes

14.00 minutes

Pennant 3


4 Passage Race only entries



Pennant 4


5 Spinnaker

Not used


Pennant 5


6 Restricted Sail

Not used


Pennant 6


7 Spinnaker

Not used


Pennant 7


8 Spinnaker

14.01 minutes


Pennant 8


9 Restricted Sail

14.26 minutes


Pennant 9









SI  12.7  is replaced by

SI  12.7.2  Boats in classes 4, Passage Race Only, shall start in the class start appropriate for their handicap and fly numeral pennant 4 in accordance with SI 7.1.2.




Appendix 1, Craobh to Oban Passage Race.

In 29.1, the approx. times of the fleet broadcasts are changed to 07.30 and 08.00

2024 Merch

Get you crew gear for WHYW 2024? World Leisurewear are back with an incredible range for all your WHYW ’24 merchandise!
From personalised t-shirts to logo’d gilets and hoodies… caps, softshells, leggings and a range of bags… the possibilities are endless. 🤩
World Leisurewear are offering a 25% discount for crew orders of 6 or more of the same item. 🌟
Click on the link 👉��
We’d love to see some photos when you get yours 👀

Competitor feedback

As planning for next year’s event gets into full swing we wanted to ask you what you think we do well or can do better, below is a few areas we have been thinking about, if you would like to give us your opinion and suggest we would be very grateful. If you have any ideas or suggestions for other areas of the event please let us know. 


  1.  What do you think of the format of the sailing during the week? 

 We think this works well, and are disinclined to significantly change any aspect of it, unless you have strong feelings to the contrary.  

 In 2024 it looks as if the mid week tides may be suitable for a round Lismore race  but we feel that this is always popular. 

 2.Handicapping system. We use the CYCA handicapping system, we have always used the CYCA system, and most local boats have a CYCA handicap. But we are attracting boats from further afield, and we should perhaps try a more widely used system, such as YTC. Is it time for a change? A national system such as YTC presumably has access to a very much wider database of results.  

 3. Social programme – we tried hard for this years WHYW. Did we get it right? There was a lot of live music at the start of the week – can we have too much live music? 


4. Dinghy races – these appear to be popular with the kids, but this year were not particularly well attended by the majority. Do you want to see more or less of this sort of thing? 


5. Paddleboard race – did you like this new idea? It was not so well supported this year, partly due to the weather, and perhaps by Thursday evening we were all a bit tired!  


6. Venues – we are a little restricted by those marinas which can accommodate a large fleet, but would you like to see us go anywhere else? Comments on Oban, Dunstaffnage and Kerrera? 



Please email your feedback to us at 


We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all at WHYW 2024 

Off the water guide

We know not everyone comes and wants to sail everyday, or those that do sail all week also  bring families and supporters with them. So for all of you who will be shoreside during the week we have created the off the water guide full of lots of fun things to do a see. 

West Highland Week 2023 – our 75th anniversary – is shaping up to be the event of events. Who else can boast that they have had their own beer brewed for a sailing event?!



At the last count we have 92 entries – the target is to have 100 boats on the water, and we are so nearly there! Don’t miss out …..In addition to the usual format of races, this year the aim for the regatta is “big event, big classes!” And there will be so much more to look forward to – we have an action packed programme of social and other events, including live bands on at least 3 of the 7 nights, and the Mishnish, and possibly also McGochans are likely to make this up to 5 nights.


In addition there will be the dinghy races in Craobh, as per last year, but there should also be the chance to go dinghy sailing on Tuesday evening in Oban, and new for this year, and in celebration of our anniversary, there will be a paddleboard race in Tobermory – the intention is that this should be an inter boat relay race, so should be as much fun for spectators and competitors alike.


We will again host the baking competition on Sunday evening in Craobh, but lest you feel that it is a bit self indulgent to purchase any of the produce, you will be doing your duty by helping the RNLI. And for those who would like to introduce a bit of culture to their week, we are delighted to have been offered the opportunity to meet with some of the staff from the marine research centre at Dunstaffnage – SAMS. I have not been round the facility, but I am told that it is fantastic. And if you like your culture in liquid format, we have been offered distillery tours in Tobermory – again well worth the visit. Hopefully something for everyone.


I would like to take this opportunity of thanking my hard working committee, who are making it all happen, and also, and perhaps more importantly our very generous sponsors – our principle sponsor again is Tunnocks, but ably supported by the Majestic Line, Argyll and Bute Council, Tobermory Harbour Association, Moulin Brewery, Lochnell Boatyard and Treeline. We also very much appreciate the support of Ballachulish Marina, Nerabus Gin, Craobh Marina, Dunstaffnage Marina, Kerrera Marina, Yachting Images, Owen Sails, Harken, Yachting Monthly, RYA Scotland and Scottish Canals.


Finally my thanks to you, the competitors – we very much look forward to seeing you at this renowned family sailing event, and assure you of the warmest of Highland welcomes!


Gavin Marshall.

Chairman, West Highland Yachting Week.

Chairman’s May Update

Dear all,

Firstly a big thank you to all you early birds! Such a good response has enabled us to go ahead and arrange all sorts of goodies for you ….

And next is a big welcome to all of those about to enter – it is difficult to stress how helpful it is to have an early indication of numbers, or perhaps better said how excited we on the committee get on receipt of each  of the entries.

Thank you also to all of our sponsors, without whom, quite simply, we could not run the event

I am delighted to say that we have some new (and exciting!) talent on the committee, in the form of Anna. Anna is helping Carrie with arrangement of the many off the water activities. Anna will be known to many of you as the first mate who copes with three children on board Satisfaction. What you may not know is that she is a professional event organiser. 

In an earlier message I promised to introduce you to all of the committee members, and while few in number, such is the breadth of their capabilities, and the range of their tasks, that space does not permit an introduction to all at once. Let me start with our administrator, Laura. I have said it before but she is the first person you will meet when you sign on at the event. I have never seen that face without a smile on it, and if she knows the meaning of the word “no,” I have never heard her use it. Nothing is ever a problem and she will just quietly “make it happen”


Then there is Carrie – responsible for promotion, social and sponsorship – yes, I know it’s far too much for one person, and that is why she now has help. But when that one person does every one of those jobs better than anyone else could, what do you do?!

Fortunately, Anna should be a formidable match for Carrie, so watch out for some really exciting things going on at this year’s WHYW!

Don’t miss out!

