WHYW 2022 – Nearly There!

Dear all,


Less than two weeks to go to WHYW 2022. If you are still swithering as to whether to put in an entry, then please don’t! (swither)


As your chairman, I can assure you that I am surrounded by a strong committee who are working hard to ensure that this years event is going to be a great one!


I have been wracking my brains trying to think of any possible reasons as to why you should not join in with all or part of the week:

  • Don’t have enough crew – doesn’t matter. Come along and sail short handed. Who knows – you might find someone on the pontoons. I have done both.
  • There is never enough wind at WHYW – not this year. It seems to have been blowing pretty steadily all season. Of course I cant give you a guarantee, but then we don’t sail in Scotland for guaranteed good weather.
  • Can’t find the time/ can’t get away from the office- how does the proverb go? Few men die wishing they had spent more time in the office!
  • Don’t want to lose my entry money if I cant make it come the day – don’t worry, we will return your entry fee.
  • Want to fly away to somewhere exotic – You want to spend time hanging around in airports?! If you want to fly, fly to Oban – no hold ups at Oban airport.
  • Not very keen on racing – WHYW is about so much more than the racing. IT IS ABOUT BEING THERE.


On a more serious note, I like to think  that WHYW is synonymous with highland hospitality. If I have one aim as chairman, it is to ensure the “inclusiveness” of the event. I have never won any prizes during previous years, with one exception, and that was the Family Trophy. Having spent a week somewhere between the middle and back of the fleet, and burying my head in shame as my children insisted on flying an enormous orangutan from the head of the mast, I think that one trophy did more to inspire my family to sail than any other.


We look forward to seeing you!



Chariman West Highland Yachting Week, Joint Regatta Committee

3 thoughts on “WHYW 2022 – Nearly There!

  • 19th July 2022 at 2:50 pm

    Hi, I’ve emailed 3 times over 3 weeks without reply about classic yachts Freedom 44 , Cherubini 44. Also that I used to work in English Harbour, Antigua at the Tree House treating all the yachty’s aches, pains and sprains. it’s almost too late to organize anything about it now!!! Unless we’re quick.

    • 19th July 2022 at 6:01 pm

      Hi Roy,

      I am so sorry that you’ve had difficulty contacting us. This is being looked into as a matter of urgency. I have spoken to our Chairperson, Gavin Marshall, and he has asked if you could possibly send him a copy of your email and he will reply this evening – his address is gavin@baddinsgill.com.

      Apologies again and we really hope we can welcome you to West Highland Yachting Week 2022,

      Kind regards
      Carrie Reid (Committee Member)

  • 19th July 2022 at 8:52 pm

    Not sure what has gone wrong here as I have not seen your email. I would just like to echo Carrie’s words and say that we would be delighted to see you at WHYW. If you would like to send an email to me at gavin@baddinsgill.com I will endeavour to reply straightaway!


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