West Highland Yachting Week 2021 Update

Dear all,


I am very pleased to say that the Joint Regatta Committee are all committed to making this years West Highland Yachting Week happen. I was asked today if I could guarantee that it would go ahead, and I was very tempted to say “yes,” but alas I fear that is not within my powers. But do I believe it will go ahead? Yes, I do! We now have statements of interest from 55 boats, and as soon as we have the website doing what we want it to do, we will be asking you to convert those statements of interest into confirmed entries.


We are aiming for a full weeks racing, and in a format as close to the norm as possible, with two feeder races on Saturday 31st July, one from Gigha, and the other from Oban. Sunday 1st August will see the fleet racing round Shuna of Craobh Haven. After a second night at Craobh, the fleet will head up to Oban on Monday 2nd, before a race round Lismore on Tuesday. On Wednesday the fleet will go on to Tobermory, for a two night stay there, with the hope of a days racing “round the cans” off Tobermory, before returning to Oban on Friday 6th August.


As I say the aim is to stick as closely to the normal format as possible. We will of course have to make some concessions to the times in which we live, the one being that there will be no organisation of formal social events. And as the race committee is likely to be working with restricted numbers, the emphasis for the week will be on passage racing.


One other departure from the norm is that we will be offering two classes for shorthanded crews – boats with no more than two persons on board. For those who like their bubbles small, this may be an attractive option.


Whatever your racing preferences, I very much hope you will join us – I believe it promises to be an excellent week, and hopefully worth the wait!


Gavin Marshall,

Chairman Joint Regatta Committee,

West Highland Yachting Week.

3 thoughts on “West Highland Yachting Week 2021 Update

  • 19th June 2021 at 10:39 am

    Fantastic news and thanks for working on how this event can be managed.

  • 24th June 2021 at 3:04 pm

    Can l please state my intent to take part in WHYW 2021.
    Richard Marshall,
    Yacht Nordic Fulmar, Westerly Fulmar 32. I have a Clyde handicap.

    • 24th June 2021 at 3:28 pm

      Hi Richard,
      If you can please follow the link to the entry form and fill it in please, we are currently experiancing issues with the payment page but once we have resolved these issues we will be in touch about how to pay the entry fee.

      Looking forward to seeing you at the event

      Kind Regards



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