Saturday Racing WHYW 18

Oban to Craobh passage race as seen from Shadowfax (First 31.7).

West highland yachting week 2018 started in Oban today on a warm grey (very early) morning. With very little wind in Oban bay the race team took the fleet down the sound of Kerrera for a start just south of cutter rock.

WIth the breeze filling from the south east, the race team got us away without to much delay.

At the pin end of the line Prime cut and Murray MacDonalds Autism on water battled it out with Shadowfax just to leeward. As the gun went the fleet were away with no recalls. On Shadowfax the spinnaker was set early and pulled us out to an early lead soon to be overhauled by the quicker boats of Taz, Warrior and Moonstruck 2.

The race progressed through the inside of Insh island with not much place changing and all the spinnakers set.

As the big boats rounded Easdale island the breeze built for a short period to Fladda where it became to tight to continue with spinnakers, and the fleet changed onto headsails. We were then duly reminded it was West highland yachting week as the heavens opened, and rain, yes rain like you have never seen before killed the breeze and morale! It was still warm though. 

A short beat in light breeze took us to the orange turning mark where kites were once again set and a gentle run up to the finish line off Craobh rounded off a fine days sailing. With the tide under the keels all the way the fleet was quite close right throughout the finishing order.

Results just in and Marisca took a fine win in just under a minute on corrected from James Hardies Taz , with Shadowfax a close third. Warrior was fourth and rounding out the top five was Murray MacDonald’s Autism on water. A fine achievement for his first West Highland yachting week with the 707.

Thanks to all the organiser and sponsors and roll on tomorrow when the serious business starts for the points series.

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