Christmas Message


Dear all,


On Monday evening of this week, the last WHYW emails were sent at 22-48, 22-50 and 23-00. And the correspondence started again at 06-35 on Tuesday morning. The committee are working hard to ensure the success of WHYW 2023!


I say that quite proudly, as the man writing this post is not known for his capacity for forward planning. On our second “assault” on West Highland Week, we took delivery of a boat on Friday, went through the canal on Saturday, and raised the sails for the first time on the way out to the start line on Sunday. As the rest of the family scrabbled around looking for battens (of which there were none), my 4 year old son sat listening to the sequence of start guns, before announcing that he thought it was a “nice day for shooting!”


But I digress. I have mentioned before that I am blessed with a committee who are  not only hard working and enthusiastic, but more importantly capable of planning ahead. And as you will have seen, the Notice of Race has been posted, and entries for 2023 are open.


Some of you have very kindly said that the 2022 event was a good one – but 2023 is going to be better! We have a lot of exciting ideas lined up, about which more later. However the success of the event does not just depend on us, but also on you, the competitor. Please get your entries in, but more than that, please encourage your friends to come too. For the coming year, we are offering a “bring a buddy” discount – if you introduce a friend who has not come to WHYW before, then we will offer both boats a 10% discount.


I hope you all have a very happy Christmas, and a prosperous New Year. And I very sincerely hope that you all enjoy West Highland Week 2023, as much as we, your committee, enjoy making it happen!





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