2023 Entry Fees

The Organising Committee has deliberated at length over the level of entry fees for the 2023 75th celebratory event.  The cost of running an event over three separate locations for two fleets requiring multiple Committee Vessels to provide effective race management increased significantly in 2022 and we are anticipating further increases for 2023 with the inevitable result that we have had to increase entry fees for 2023. 

The event is largely organised and managed by an enthusiastic volunteer team with some paid administrative support so costs here can be minimised.  The largest single event cost is the charter of the four Committee Vessels, around 50% of the total cost of running the event with a large element of ever-increasing fuel costs. Around 60% of the event income is obtained from entry fees with the balance mainly from sponsorship.  When budgeting we aim for a small surplus to ensure the financial sustainability of the Event for the future although both the last two years have incurred a small loss and there are a number of variables, in particular the number of entries and level of sponsorship, that make budgeting an interesting balancing exercise.  We would appreciate your support and understanding with this matter.  We are aware that these are difficult times for some and if our increase in entry fees is preventing you from joining us then please get in touch.  We look forward to seeing you on the water for West Highland Yachting Week 2023.    

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