Yachting Images pictures of West Highland Yachting Week

West Highland Yachting Week 2018.

The Joint Committee has arranged with Ron and Graeme Cowan of www.yachtingimages.co.uk that jpegs of the photographs taken during WHYW18 can be downloaded free of charge for personal use by WHYW officials, helpers and participating yacht owners and crews until 28th. September 2018.

The copyright of all images remains with Yachting Images but owners and crews may download images of their own yachts and general views for their own personal, non commercial, use.   A ‘Restricted Use’ licence will be included with the download and this will allow each file to be posted on the downloader’s own personal social media site(s).  The images must not be shared with any other person, commercial firm or organisation, or used on the internet except as mentioned above.

As usual high quality prints can be ordered through www.yachtingimages.co.uk  and any enquiries regarding any commercial use, including yacht sales & brokerage, press, publication in print and on the internet , etc. should be addressed to ron@yachtingimages.co.uk . A charge may be made for such use.

For access to the link to download your own files please contact – office@whyw.co.uk

This link may be privately shared with those who crewed with you during WHYW18 but must not be shared with others, or published anywhere.

Kind regards

Joint Regatta Committee
West Highland Yachting Week

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