Chairman’s May Update

Dear all,

Firstly a big thank you to all you early birds! Such a good response has enabled us to go ahead and arrange all sorts of goodies for you ….

And next is a big welcome to all of those about to enter – it is difficult to stress how helpful it is to have an early indication of numbers, or perhaps better said how excited we on the committee get on receipt of each  of the entries.

Thank you also to all of our sponsors, without whom, quite simply, we could not run the event

I am delighted to say that we have some new (and exciting!) talent on the committee, in the form of Anna. Anna is helping Carrie with arrangement of the many off the water activities. Anna will be known to many of you as the first mate who copes with three children on board Satisfaction. What you may not know is that she is a professional event organiser. 

In an earlier message I promised to introduce you to all of the committee members, and while few in number, such is the breadth of their capabilities, and the range of their tasks, that space does not permit an introduction to all at once. Let me start with our administrator, Laura. I have said it before but she is the first person you will meet when you sign on at the event. I have never seen that face without a smile on it, and if she knows the meaning of the word “no,” I have never heard her use it. Nothing is ever a problem and she will just quietly “make it happen”


Then there is Carrie – responsible for promotion, social and sponsorship – yes, I know it’s far too much for one person, and that is why she now has help. But when that one person does every one of those jobs better than anyone else could, what do you do?!

Fortunately, Anna should be a formidable match for Carrie, so watch out for some really exciting things going on at this year’s WHYW!

Don’t miss out!




One thought on “Chairman’s May Update

  • 2nd May 2023 at 12:09 pm

    Great to hear all the news behind the scenes.


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