West Highland Yachting Week Administrator.
We are currently looking for an administrator to take on this challenging part time role.
The applicant will be expected to look after all aspects of the organisation of the event, including:
- Processing of all entries
- Arranging insurance.
- Securing work boats.
- Liaison with, and support for sponsors.
- Collating a social programme.
- Production of Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions
- Preparation of Management Committee meeting minutes.
- Arranging accommodation where required.
- Communication with host venues.
- Assistance with race management and production of results.
The job would ideally suit someone who has experience of this diverse event, and is well acquainted with
The world of sailing. Local knowledge is advantageous.
Good teamworking and IT skills would be of particular benefit, and excellent communication, social media and promotional skills are essential!
Remuneration – £8,000 per annum.
Please apply in the first instance to the chairman, Gavin Marshall
Email: gavin@baddinsgill.com with the heading “Administrator.”