Weekly Update

Dear all,


With so much going on, I think it is time for a weekly update!


We are aware of the recent surge in coronavirus cases in Argyll and Bute. However the WHYW committee remains committed to doing all that we can to ensure that this years WHYW goes ahead as planned – or as closely to plans – as possible.


Not only are we monitoring the situation on a regular basis, but we are in contact with RYA Scotland, whom I am pleased to say are being extremely helpful in assisting us in our aim to run the event.


So with this weeks update, I would urge you all please to make the necessary arrangements to ensure that you are on the start line at the appointed hour! But please come with an open mind. We may have to make changes at the last minute. We will be preparing printed race instructions, but they will be worded in such a way as to allow the race officer maximum leeway in his decision making. It is likely that we will use a Whats App group to keep everyone informed, and this will be backed up with announcements on the VHF – channel 77.


Take care, and we will look forward to seeing you on the water.


Gavin Marshall.

Chairman West Highland Yachting Week.

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