West Highland Week 2023 – our 75th anniversary – is shaping up to be the event of events. Who else can boast that they have had their own beer brewed for a sailing event?!



At the last count we have 92 entries – the target is to have 100 boats on the water, and we are so nearly there! Don’t miss out …..In addition to the usual format of races, this year the aim for the regatta is “big event, big classes!” And there will be so much more to look forward to – we have an action packed programme of social and other events, including live bands on at least 3 of the 7 nights, and the Mishnish, and possibly also McGochans are likely to make this up to 5 nights.


In addition there will be the dinghy races in Craobh, as per last year, but there should also be the chance to go dinghy sailing on Tuesday evening in Oban, and new for this year, and in celebration of our anniversary, there will be a paddleboard race in Tobermory – the intention is that this should be an inter boat relay race, so should be as much fun for spectators and competitors alike.


We will again host the baking competition on Sunday evening in Craobh, but lest you feel that it is a bit self indulgent to purchase any of the produce, you will be doing your duty by helping the RNLI. And for those who would like to introduce a bit of culture to their week, we are delighted to have been offered the opportunity to meet with some of the staff from the marine research centre at Dunstaffnage – SAMS. I have not been round the facility, but I am told that it is fantastic. And if you like your culture in liquid format, we have been offered distillery tours in Tobermory – again well worth the visit. Hopefully something for everyone.


I would like to take this opportunity of thanking my hard working committee, who are making it all happen, and also, and perhaps more importantly our very generous sponsors – our principle sponsor again is Tunnocks, but ably supported by the Majestic Line, Argyll and Bute Council, Tobermory Harbour Association, Moulin Brewery, Lochnell Boatyard and Treeline. We also very much appreciate the support of Ballachulish Marina, Nerabus Gin, Craobh Marina, Dunstaffnage Marina, Kerrera Marina, Yachting Images, Owen Sails, Harken, Yachting Monthly, RYA Scotland and Scottish Canals.


Finally my thanks to you, the competitors – we very much look forward to seeing you at this renowned family sailing event, and assure you of the warmest of Highland welcomes!


Gavin Marshall.

Chairman, West Highland Yachting Week.

Chairman’s May Update

Dear all,

Firstly a big thank you to all you early birds! Such a good response has enabled us to go ahead and arrange all sorts of goodies for you ….

And next is a big welcome to all of those about to enter – it is difficult to stress how helpful it is to have an early indication of numbers, or perhaps better said how excited we on the committee get on receipt of each  of the entries.

Thank you also to all of our sponsors, without whom, quite simply, we could not run the event

I am delighted to say that we have some new (and exciting!) talent on the committee, in the form of Anna. Anna is helping Carrie with arrangement of the many off the water activities. Anna will be known to many of you as the first mate who copes with three children on board Satisfaction. What you may not know is that she is a professional event organiser. 

In an earlier message I promised to introduce you to all of the committee members, and while few in number, such is the breadth of their capabilities, and the range of their tasks, that space does not permit an introduction to all at once. Let me start with our administrator, Laura. I have said it before but she is the first person you will meet when you sign on at the event. I have never seen that face without a smile on it, and if she knows the meaning of the word “no,” I have never heard her use it. Nothing is ever a problem and she will just quietly “make it happen”


Then there is Carrie – responsible for promotion, social and sponsorship – yes, I know it’s far too much for one person, and that is why she now has help. But when that one person does every one of those jobs better than anyone else could, what do you do?!

Fortunately, Anna should be a formidable match for Carrie, so watch out for some really exciting things going on at this year’s WHYW!

Don’t miss out!




Message from Chairman 3rd March 2023.

Dear all,


I have been given a gentle prod, and told that it is time to update you again. And so it is. There is so much going on with the organisation of WHYW 2023, and at least for us on the committee, it is all very exciting.


Firstly, a big thanks to you, the competitor. It is great to see your entries coming in, and indeed coming in thick and fast. Quite a lot of first time entries, which is exactly what we want to see – not, of course, that we are any less enthusiastic about seeing our old friends. And we are getting news of boats intending to come from Ireland to join us – so a big welcome.


My next word of thanks must be to our sponsors. Our appeal for new sponsors has had a fantastic (and generous) response, and indeed we continue to receive new offers of support. We are as ever indebted to our main sponsor, Tunnocks, who have stood by us for many years, and particularly through the last few slightly difficult years. And their support is so ever present – not just a cheque in the bank, but the daily reminder of those delicious tea cakes! How does the likes of Cowes Week cope without that?


New sponsors include the Majestic Line, Moulin Brewery, the Ballachulish Marina and Treeline Woodlands. We have others waiting in the wings ……… But let us not forget our old stalwarts – Nerabus Gin, Tobermory Harbour Association, Craobh Marina, Kerrera Marina and Scottish Canals.


I am not going to say too much about the racing, as good racing at WHYW is a given. But wont it be great if we can get really good numbers in each class? Johnny Readman is looking forward to the challenge!


But what I must mention is the social programme for the week – still in the making, but with the most incredible diversity of ideas being discussed. If your idea of social life is a quiet drink on board with friends, well, that may still be possible…. but if you want to broaden your mind to whisky tasting, dinghy races, baking competitions, ceilidhs, possibly even a talk on “environmentally conscientious fashion,” then believe me, your committee are “on it!”


Finally my thanks to my committee, each and every one of them invaluable. In a future message I am going to name them, again, but in the meantime, suffice it to say that the energy and enthusiasm which is going into the organisation of  this years event leaves me a little breathless!



Christmas Message


Dear all,


On Monday evening of this week, the last WHYW emails were sent at 22-48, 22-50 and 23-00. And the correspondence started again at 06-35 on Tuesday morning. The committee are working hard to ensure the success of WHYW 2023!


I say that quite proudly, as the man writing this post is not known for his capacity for forward planning. On our second “assault” on West Highland Week, we took delivery of a boat on Friday, went through the canal on Saturday, and raised the sails for the first time on the way out to the start line on Sunday. As the rest of the family scrabbled around looking for battens (of which there were none), my 4 year old son sat listening to the sequence of start guns, before announcing that he thought it was a “nice day for shooting!”


But I digress. I have mentioned before that I am blessed with a committee who are  not only hard working and enthusiastic, but more importantly capable of planning ahead. And as you will have seen, the Notice of Race has been posted, and entries for 2023 are open.


Some of you have very kindly said that the 2022 event was a good one – but 2023 is going to be better! We have a lot of exciting ideas lined up, about which more later. However the success of the event does not just depend on us, but also on you, the competitor. Please get your entries in, but more than that, please encourage your friends to come too. For the coming year, we are offering a “bring a buddy” discount – if you introduce a friend who has not come to WHYW before, then we will offer both boats a 10% discount.


I hope you all have a very happy Christmas, and a prosperous New Year. And I very sincerely hope that you all enjoy West Highland Week 2023, as much as we, your committee, enjoy making it happen!





2023 Entry Fees

The Organising Committee has deliberated at length over the level of entry fees for the 2023 75th celebratory event.  The cost of running an event over three separate locations for two fleets requiring multiple Committee Vessels to provide effective race management increased significantly in 2022 and we are anticipating further increases for 2023 with the inevitable result that we have had to increase entry fees for 2023. 

The event is largely organised and managed by an enthusiastic volunteer team with some paid administrative support so costs here can be minimised.  The largest single event cost is the charter of the four Committee Vessels, around 50% of the total cost of running the event with a large element of ever-increasing fuel costs. Around 60% of the event income is obtained from entry fees with the balance mainly from sponsorship.  When budgeting we aim for a small surplus to ensure the financial sustainability of the Event for the future although both the last two years have incurred a small loss and there are a number of variables, in particular the number of entries and level of sponsorship, that make budgeting an interesting balancing exercise.  We would appreciate your support and understanding with this matter.  We are aware that these are difficult times for some and if our increase in entry fees is preventing you from joining us then please get in touch.  We look forward to seeing you on the water for West Highland Yachting Week 2023.    

West Highland Yachting Week – 2023


Dear all,


Firstly, thank you to all those who kindly responded to my email, described loosely as a questionnaire. I was very impressed by the number of responses I got, and particularly heartened by how positive they all were! And I  am sure that there would have been many who intended to reply, but if you are like me, the email slips off the bottom of the screen and out of mind. So if you would still like to make your thoughts known, we would be delighted to hear from you. Never too late!


Meanwhile, we have started planning for next year. As you will be aware, 2023 is to be our 75th anniversary, and we are determined that it should be an event to remember. Yes, West Highland Yachting Week is a race week, but it is so much more than just a race week. We sincerely hope you will agree that good racing in magnificent surroundings is a given, but we would also like to attract those who may not have considered racing, or those who think that their racing days are over. There  really is something  for everyone, and it is all about the taking part. If I have one over riding aim as chairman of the event, it is that the week should be inclusive of one and all – and that all should feel warmly welcomed!


During the course of my introduction to this years event, I told the story of my family’s participation in a West Highland Week many years ago. The behaviour of my young family throughout that week had reduced me to such shame, that when I saw a committee boat heading in our direction, I was convinced that it was to ask us please to go home and never return. On being told that it was to inform us that we had won the family prize, a tear ran down my cheek! That is what West Highland Week is about.


So do, please come and join us next year. And not only that, but please bring your friends. Watch the website for promotional material, highlights and special offers – we will look forward to seeing you!




Chairman, West Highland Yachting Week


Sound of Mull Race 1

Class 1
Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo TCF Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Tunnocks Sunrise 1 GBR4754 0.8433 1.42.02 1.26.03 1.0
2 Tunnocks Spirit of Jacana 1 IRL1335 0.9333 1.33.36 1.27.21 2.0
3 Tunnocks Erin 1 GBR2649R 0.8192 1.48.23 1.28.47 3.0
4 Tunnocks Ceol Beag 1 GBR1642L 0.8337 1.48.30 1.30.27 4.0
5 Tunnocks Adelante 1 GBR1007L 0.8392 1.48.05 1.30.42 5.0
6 Tunnocks Golden Fox 1 4770R 0.9125 1.40.30 1.31.42 6.0
7 Tunnocks Salamander 23 1 GBR1508R 0.8500 1.48.20 1.32.05 7.0
8 Tunnocks Reflection 1 GBR5060C 0.9292 1.39.36 1.32.33 8.0
9 Tunnocks Prevail 1 2589C 0.8183 2.01.18 1.39.16 9.0
10 Tunnocks Aunt Jessie 1 2556C 0.8667 1.56.32 1.41.00 10.0
11 Tunnocks Trojan 1 GBR7005R 0.8500 RET   14.0
11 Tunnocks Anticipation 1 7041R 0.8583 RET   14.0
11 Tunnocks Candubhlah 1 GBR1037L 0.8392 RET   14.0

Class 2

Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Start Corrected Points
1 Argyll Gumdrop 2 GBR3669T 10.30 3.18.20 1.0
2 Argyll Sunrise 2 GBR9869 10.30 3.18.34 2.0
3 Argyll Spirit of May 2 GBR8869T 10.30 3.20.20 3.0
4 Argyll Pippa VI 2 6006C 10.30 3.21.11 4.0
5 Argyll Leomaris of Clyde 2 2463C 10.30 3.21.43 5.0
6 Argyll Sapphire 2 GBR7999N 10.30 3.23.04 6.0
7 Argyll Yemaya 2 GBR1684L 10.30 3.25.45 7.0
8 Argyll Dealnach 2 2539C 10.30 3.35.41 8.0
9 Argyll White Pearl 2 2549L     12.0
9 Argyll Ajax 2 GBR3444C     12.0
9 Argyll Game Changer 2 GBR704R     12.0

 Class 3

Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo TCF Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Tunnocks Satisfaction 3 GBR8272T 0.8 1.49.37 1.27.42 1.0
2 Tunnocks Elixir of Lorn 3 GBR32R 0.7917 1.52.35 1.29.08 2.0
3 Tunnocks Delinquent 3 GBR8569T 0.8 1.53.21 1.30.41 3.0
4 Tunnocks Diatas Air 3 3311T 0.7875 1.55.23 1.30.52 4.0
5 Tunnocks Scotia 3 3317 0.7708 2.07.52 1.38.34 5.0
6 Tunnocks Tigh Solius 3 3 GBR606 0.7833 2.06.28 1.39.04 6.0
7 Tunnocks Dawn Seeker 3 GBR588R 0.8 RET   9.0
7 Tunnocks Celerity 3 9296 0.775 DNC   9.0

 Class 7

Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo TCF Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Tunnocks Mayrise 7 GBR8856Y 0.7458 1.24.58 1.03.22 1.0
2 Tunnocks Hot Toddy 7 9797C 0.7353 1.27.15 1.04.09 2.0
3 Tunnocks Lemerac 7 4040C 0.743 1.26.27 1.04.14 3.0
4 Tunnocks Vaila 7 BER 8 0.75 1.25.53 1.04.25 4.0
5 Tunnocks CoolBandit 2 7 2914C 0.7417 1.27.47 1.05.07 5.0
6 Tunnocks Sea-Pie of Cultra 7 GBR4254 0.7458 1.27.48 1.05.29 6.0
7 Tunnocks Shoki 7 3002C 0.7375 1.30.19 1.06.37 7.0
8 Tunnocks Windthrift 7 9602Y 0.7328 1.31.18 1.06.54 8.0
9 Tunnocks Time & Motion 7 1809C 0.7417 1.31.27 1.07.50 9.0
10 Tunnocks Valkara 7 4334C 0.7333 1.48.52 1.19.50 10.0
11 Tunnocks Karparda 7 2104C 0.7458 DNC   12.0

Class 8

Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo TCF Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Tunnocks Blue Ice 8 GBR5152L 0.6167 1.45.45 1.05.13 1.0
2 Tunnocks Marisca 8 GBR9884T 0.6847 1.38.31 1.07.27 2.0
3 Tunnocks Bluefin 8 GBR2555C 0.65 1.44.58 1.08.14 3.0
4 Tunnocks Scintilla of the Sea 8 920Y 0.6750 1.44.22 1.10.27 4.0
5 Tunnocks Dignity 8 GBR7666T 0.7115 1.39.45 1.10.58 5.0
6 Tunnocks Maggie May 8 GBR1148T 0.7167 1.41.36 1.12.49 6.0
7 Tunnocks Kelana 8 312C 0.7167 1.43.09 1.13.56 7.0
8 Tunnocks Dan Dare 8 GBR2523L 0.6833 DNC   9.0


Class 9

Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo Start Finish Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Argyll Valhalla of Ashton 9 GBR2496 10.30 13:52:44 3.22.44 2.31.12 1.0
2 Argyll Sorr of Appin 9 5062C 10.30 13:59:58 3.29.58 2.31.38 2.0
3 Argyll Prodigal 9 GBR3771 10.30 13:55:18 3.25.18 2.33.07 3.0
4 Argyll St Bridgit 9 GBR9753R 10.30 14:07:12 3.37.12 2.40.28 4.0
5 Argyll Nimrod 9 GBR8262 10.30 14:12:17 3.42.17 2.45.09 5.0
6 Argyll Bacchus 9 1015 10.30 14:13:13 3.43.13 2.46.28 6.0
7 Argyll White Lady 9 2097C 10.30 14:30:04 4.00.04 2.52.22 7.0
8 Argyll Clann 9 2241C     RET   12.0
8 Argyll Isla Rose 9 829C     DNC   12.0
8 Argyll Tigger 9 2828C     DNC   12.0
8 Argyll Malindi of Lorne 9 105C     DNC   12.0