West Highland Yachting Week Administrator

West Highland Yachting Week Administrator.

We are currently looking for an administrator to take on this challenging part time role.

The applicant will be expected to look after all aspects of the organisation of the event, including:

  • Processing of all entries
  • Arranging insurance.
  • Securing work boats.
  • Liaison with, and support for sponsors.
  • Collating a social programme.
  • Production of Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions
  • Preparation of Management Committee meeting minutes.
  • Arranging accommodation where required.
  • Communication with host venues.
  • Assistance with race management and production of results.

The job would ideally suit someone who has experience of this diverse event, and is well acquainted with

The world of sailing. Local knowledge is advantageous.

Good teamworking and IT skills would be of particular benefit, and excellent communication, social media and promotional skills are essential!

Remuneration – £8,000 per annum.

Please apply in the first instance to the chairman, Gavin Marshall

Email: gavin@baddinsgill.com    with the heading “Administrator.”

Handicap Changes

Following on from your extremely helpful responses to this year’s questionnaire, and having discussed handicapping in detail at our recent committee meeting, it is likely that we will change away from CYCA for WHYW 2025. The application for a YTC handicap is straightforward, but does require measurement of sails.

Our aim is to let you know about this proposal as early as possible, so that you have plenty of time to arrange sail measurements. If you have any queries or require assistance, please let us know.

Please also be assured that there has been no fall out with CYCA – we very much appreciate the effort which goes into running this, our local system, and a system which has served us well for many years. The above proposed change is a trial, but in the interests of trying to run as good a regatta as possible, we feel that a change at this time is appropriate.
